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Divorce Coaching

“Nobody wins in a divorce”

I decided to start divorce coaching because I realised I was often divorce coaching, when I worked as a lawyer for my clients!

Considering the legal system in India and the fact that the best way for people to part ways, is through divorce by mutual consent, I realised if people got the right kind of coaching, it would save them great expense, both emotional and financial.

The norm in India, is to try and save the marriage – not a bad goal at all. But sometimes, divorce is inevitable. Sometimes a dignified parting works best for everyone involved. If this is the situation, it makes sense to understand, invest and part ways in a way that is smooth and dignified – because nobody wins a divorce case. And languishing in courts is no way of moving on and living a better life!

Through divorce coaching, I help my clients resolve conflicts in an amicable manner, that ends up giving them both closure and peace. This involves equipping people in understanding and deducing that, which truly matters – be it amicable division of assets or finding ways of navigating through custody and visitation rights in a way that is best suited for the children.

Through divorce coaching, I help my clients rise above bitterness, resentment, insecurity and malevolence. Through divorce coaching, my goal is to bring my clients to see above the immediate distress and emerge on the other side of the divorce to live a better and more rewarding life. Through divorce coaching, I aim to make my clients part gracefully with a better view of the morrow.

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